Hall Rental

Thank you for considering our facility at Christ the King Lutheran Church for your event. We wish to provide a community service by making the facility available when possible. Our Church Council has established fees for use our Fellowship Hall that are designed to cover overhead and operating costs.

The primary purpose of Christ the King’s facility is to fulfill the ministry of the congregation. It has yet to happen, but it is possible that a funeral or other ministry function of the congregation, that cannot be planned in advance, will need to take place during a time that a group has scheduled to use the Hall. If this should this happen for your event, please be understanding when we contact you about the need to make an adjustment in our arrangement.

Rates: The Fellowship Hall is rented at a rate of $50 per hour. A $100 non-refundable deposit will secure the date requested and will be applied to the total fee. The total fee is to be paid in full before the day of the rental. If available, the Hall may be rented during the following times:

Monday – Thursday, Saturday 9:00am – 11:00pm
Friday 9:00am – midnight
Sunday 12:30pm – 11:00pm

You may call or text Judy Taylor, the Hall Coordinator at 402-320-2765 or Fill out a Request

Please be sure to include your PHONE NUMBER, DATE, and TIMES that you would like the Hall.

Sunday Mornings

   9:00am  Adult Bible Study
10:00am  Worship
11:15am  Sunday School                                 Coffee Fellowship

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