Livestreaming on Facebook
We are currently livestreaming worship on our Facebook page. We also post a video of the service for viewing later. Click the link at the bottom of the page to find us on Facebook.
How do I know what to do during worship?
The bulletins we print each Sunday include practically everything you need to know. We use about six different forms of worship throughout the year; depending upon the season. We print them fully in each Sunday’s bulletin so you probably won’t find yourself getting lost. Everything that is said by the congregation is printed in bold print.
What about children?
Children are welcome in our worship service. We hope that in the very near future we will be able to return to the practice of having a special message just for children. They may even come back to the pew with a snack or something fun.
Who is welcome at communion?
Communion is not a reward. It is not a privilege for the righteous. It is an invitation to step towards God’s table where Jesus is the host, everyone has enough, and everyone has a place. If you come as a guest, you are welcome to share this meal with us. You do not need to be a member to receive this gift from God to you. White grape juice and red wine are available.
We practice “open communion” at Christ the King. Everyone who is baptized and believes that Christ gives us what he promised in the sacrament, namely the forgiveness of sins, is welcome at the Lord’s Table. We commune adults and children who commune in their home congregations. Children who do not yet commune are welcome to come forward for a blessing.
Each year, in January, we have a communion instruction event for all 2nd – 5th graders whether or not they have celebrated their First Communion. After this event and with prayerful family discussions, parents may encourage their children to celebrate their First Communion. First Communion Sunday is typically the second Sunday in February.
What do I do when I go forward for communion?
Currently we are communing family groupings at the rail each Sunday. When space is available families take their place at the rail and either kneel or stand. The pastor and communion assistants will come by distributing the bread and wine (or white grape juice, which is in the middle of the tray). Children who are to receive communion may indicate that by putting out their hand. When you have received the bread and wine you can return to your seat by the side aisle depositing the disposable communion cup in the bin at each side.
Are there restrooms?
Yes, there are restrooms located down the stairs immediately to the south of the entryway. For those with limited mobility, the elevator will take you to the Fellowship Hall level where additional bathrooms can be found.
What do we do at the end of the service?
Most Sundays we have coffee following worship in the Fellowship Hall. Other Sundays we may even have lunch! Please join us!
How do I become a member?
Christ the King welcomes new members. To become a member is simple. If you give us your name and address and ask to get mail we will put your name on a mail box for regular correspondence (newsletter, that sort of thing) and also include you in mailings that get sent out. Anyone who attends a few times a year and makes a financial contribution of record can become a member. (That’s what we ask of people who are members.)
If you decide that you would like to make your relationship with the congregation formal, know that you don’t need to be a life-long Lutheran, just someone seeking a closer relationship with Jesus. Since, each person has something unique that has brought them to Christ the King, instead of classes in history and doctrine; we like to do what Jesus did… share a meal. You’ll be asked to share a meal with the pastor and a few other people so that you can ask your questions (even if they are about history and doctrine) and share your stories. Then we pick a Sunday to formally introduce you to the congregation.